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Displaying obstacles and threats within the limitation surfaces of Heliports


HRESS is a modern Heliport and Heliport limitation surface scanning and monitoring system. It is used to detect obstacles and threats within the limitation surfaces and to keep up-to-date status information available to HP managers and pilots about landing-site availability. The system models the required constrained surfaces and heliport area and informs the persons of interest of detected violations. It insures a preventative approach to respond to all types of hazards, significantly enhances the safety of operations and facilitates the management and use of HP infrastructure.


Ensure safe air operations due to:
• Remote monitoring
• Hazard information
• Live feed
• On-line reports


The challange at hand


The used airspace for landing sites exceeds significantly the area covered by the Heliport itself, due to the requirement of an obstacle-free airspace for safe approach and take-off. However, regulations do not provide protection for the required limitation surfaces, although they have to be ensured by the manager or owner of the landing area.


The solution


HRESSTM provides a non-intrusive mean to detect obstacles and objects that enter the airspace required to perform safe flight
operations. The system complies with the rules of international aviation organizations:

The system can be used to perform a scan of an open-space to detect the possibility or optimal positioning of a planned Heliport. i.e. if it is possible to place a heliport at the current position and/or provide guidelines on what is obstructing possible safe operations.


Key features


Current hazard information in the vicinity of the landing field through modeling the landing area and airspace and thus indicating:
• Obstacles intervening in safe flight operations necessary for removal at the landsite and its surroundings
• Provide guidance on the location of the HRP

Continuous measurement of visibility around the landing area
Advanced camera systems with on-line access give round-the-clock insight of the landsite and its vicinity during day and nighttime.


Remote monitoring of the landing field and its surroundings

Allowing persons of interest to learn the status
and safety of the landing site beforehand.

Continuous remote monitoring and reporting of
potential hazards to:
• Landsite Manager
• User (organization)
• User (pilot) directly(1)
Improve the safety of air operations


(1) Through the Clear AirSpace® navigation and flight planning application - The monitoring system,
thanks to its integration with the navigation-aid application, combines facility-based terrestrial
infrastructure with the availability and use of airspace, thus helping to provide comprehensive
information on the situation both in the air and on the ground.