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DWT-PHL-HFT Mobile Heliport Lighting System

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Lighting for portable helipads such as for emergency missions


This portable airfield lighting system for heliports has been especially developed for facilitating helicopters’ approaches and landings by interventions by night in the countryside out of any installation.



  • Increases safety of SAR operation
  • For lighting of emergency heliports
  • NVG compatible
  • Easy and fast setup within 10 minutes
  • High performance rechargeable batteries


This LED lighting system is packaged in small cases, which are easily portable in a response vehicle of intervention driving to an accident site requiring a casualty evacuation through the air.
This system allows the pilot to approach the desired landing site as if it were a fix heliport. Each light is equipped with an ON/OFF switch or can be activated by a remote control system (optional).
There are 6 LED omnidirectional lights in each case. They are powered by built-in batteries. The content of the case includes the electrical panel with 6 integrated battery chargers and attached charging cables, 1 230 VAC cable with FI-Safety, 18 fixing strapes and 18 stainless steel pegs for mounting, a plasticized user guide, one remote controller and one programming plug for the remote controller.


Known, defined patterns and familiar colours are to be identified much faster by approaching pilots. Thus, flight time can be reduced and patient care will be improved. 



Layout proposal mobile lighting system


Portables Heliportfeuer

Case study: Air rescue mission at traffic junction


Portable Heliportfeuer

Lighting of touchdown area: 8-12 green lights


Fernsteuerung Portable Feuer

Remote control for intensity and operation mode


Air rescue missions engaging helicopters require fast and coordinated actions of all participants.
The mobile heliport lighting system makes possible a dazzle- free marking of the designated touchdown surface. The pilot can rely on obstacle clearance within this marked area. Indication of a preferred approach direction facilitates the cognition of obstruction on site.
Waiting positions for vehicles may be indicated by additional red lights.




For detailed technical information please refer to our pdf-datasheet or product catalogue.

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